Corporate Event Magician

Entertaining and impressing your clients is very important in business. Phil’s style of magic can be used to accomplish this and more. At trade shows magic means interaction. Phil will draw in crowds using routines and effects tailored to your product or theme, to get as many prospective clients to your stand as possible. Once there he will entertain and qualify leads until your sales team take over. Also whilst people are at your stand they are not at your competitors. This applies similarly to product launches and promotional events.

Phil also performs at numerous corporate dinners and balls for large international clients both in the UK and abroad. Such as SONY, Fiat, BMW and Pirelli, at luxurious venues in the heart of London, Oslo and Milan, including ‘one Birdcage Walk’, The Brewery and the Tower of London.

Phil will entertain your guests and clients with professional and quality magic whilst cocktails are served as people arrive, and moving from table to table performing between courses of a meal.

Have you ever stared in disbelief when a signed card disappears from a shuffled deck and appears impossibly in a completely different location? During Phil’s performance, an item placed in his hand vanishes and reappears in your own clenched fist or a word merely thought of is read from your mind.

Phil adds that magical touch to your event and gives your guests an experience that they will remember and talk about long after the occasion.

“Get a real job!”

Sarah Wedgbrow (Phils Wife)

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